Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thing 8

After seeing  all the great examples I can see how much wikis can be used in education. I did have to use/create one for a class. It was an online class I was taking and for a group project we were each given a subtopic and through our wiki had to create a research project electronically. It was a great way to complete an online course but I really didn't see much use for it in the elementary setting. However,  now I have seen some great applications.

The first one I checked out was The Kindergarten counting Book. This one is very basic but it serves its purpose.My five year old thought it was really neat but she didn't care to watch it for long.

I really liked the Room 15 Wiki and how it was organized.It was not too "busy" so even a parent without much computer skills could know what was going on. It also had practical information along with fun creative areas.

Thousands Project is a great idea. Each month  question is presented and their goal is to get 1000 answers for each question. Some of the questions have been, "Where would you like to visit if money and time were not an object?" and "What are the best books you have read?". It is from a 5th grade classroom and it is interesting to not only see the answers but if they actually reach 1000. 

I was kind of disappointed with the Salute to Suess site. The only good thing that I found were the worksheets and the student gallery.  I just didn't like how it was set up.

I am not sure what I want to do yet. Maybe I could do something to help the kids with vocabulary.

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